Monday, July 27, 2009

Thanks for all the messages

Hi room 2 & 3. I how your having lots of fun. I am having loads of fun exploring all the castles - to bad your not here because it’s great. Thank you for all the messages it made feel very happy. I am missing you all and will see you soon. I will do some more blog about out latest adventures. I hope anyone who got the flue is OK now.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Redfearn family,

    We have enjoyed reading your blog and it sounds like you are having a great time! I bet your family in England are pleased to see you. Back here in new Zealand it has been cold and rainy. Can you please bring back the weather with you (it looks sunny in the photos). We liked looking at the photos of the castles you visited, how many did you get to see? Have you been on a double decker bus yet? We look forward to hearing all your interesting stories when you get home! See you soon
    From Room 4 P.s. Say Hi to Tom for us
