Saturday, August 1, 2009

A trip to London

We went to London on the train and Uncle Geoff met us at Euston station. We stayed at a bed and breakfast near Geoff's house and it was very odd because the man was very strange and thought we were Swedish and put Abba on at breakfast and told everyone we were from Sweden. The rooms were very small and the shower was in a wardrobe and the toilet was in a cupboard.

On the first day of London we went to see changing of the guard ant horse guard parade, Buckingham Palace and we also saw Big Ben and Nelsons Column. I enjoyed seeing the solders with the gun and I liked their bayonets.

The next day we went on the underground to the Tower of London and saw the crown jewels. Mum liked all the crowns and so did I. It was great seeing all the jewels, they were awesome. We saw the biggest diamond in the world. We went to the Bloody Tower where they use to torture people. One of the kings did not like his nephews so he locked them up in the tower. They were murdered and nobody knows what happened to them, but some people think they were buried in the walls of the tower. We saw all of Henry the 8th armor, it was so shiny and even his horse had loads of armor.

That evening we went to the theatre to see the Lion King. This was amazing and funny.They had life size elephants and giraffes coming down the isle of the theatre. I liked all the charterers, and they were all good at singing. There were some kids who were great at dancing.

On day three we went on a boat on the Thames and sailed past Big Ben, Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. We went to the Naval Museum at Greenwich. It had lots of pictures and we even saw some painting done of Captain Cooks first trip to New Zealand. We looked at the old queens house and it went underground. There was lots of different anchors, even one from a submarine. The buildings were really amazing and when we were there they were making a film of Gulliver's Travels.

Monday, July 27, 2009

helping with Bees

When I got home to York I helped Grandpa with the bee. I had to get dressed up so I did not get stung as the last time I helped him I got stung on the head. I also made some bees wax candles which we got to light at tea time. We are now off to London to visit my uncle Geoff who is going to show us all the sights.

Big birds at Thorpe Pero

The next thing we did was go to a place called Thorpe Pero, which is the garden of a big stately home. The best thing was that we saw lots of birds of prey. It was really exciting because we saw some flying and I got a huge bird land on my arm which was a jackal buzzard. Granny got a beautiful barn owl to land on her. I would really like to keep birds of prey when I am older, but I think you need a licence. The lady told us that owls are not really very wise because their eyes take up a lot of the room in their heads so their brains are really small. It was fantastic.
We also saw white swans there - all swans in England are white and all belong to the queen.

Another Castle !!!

Our next adventure was going to a castle called Middleham. King Richard the 3rd lived here in the 1470’s. He grew up there. They found a large jewel called he Middleham Jewel in a field near the castle which belonged to him. The castle would have been very big but now it is ruined. They had lots of wooden staircases in to let you get up to the towers. There was a Great hall and there was even a big toilet room. On a hill near the castle there was the site of an earlier castle that was made of wood. There was a great moat around it and a wall and portcullis. You could really imagine what it might have been like.
We went for a walk down by the river and saw lots of race horses

Thanks for all the messages

Hi room 2 & 3. I how your having lots of fun. I am having loads of fun exploring all the castles - to bad your not here because it’s great. Thank you for all the messages it made feel very happy. I am missing you all and will see you soon. I will do some more blog about out latest adventures. I hope anyone who got the flue is OK now.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Messages from New Zealand

To Jimmy, I have got one tooth out and I have a tooth wiggly. My Dad pulled it out. I was very brave and I was very happy. I said to Dad "Thank you Dad!"

Hi Jimmy, Do you know we did dancing? It was called Maori dancing. We were dancing at assembly.

You are lucky you don't have to do any homework, you get to do fun stuff. I wish I could go on a holiday like you. You don't have to do a silly dance!

Dear Jimmy, When I went to the park I went down this hill with my scooter. A woman was walking past and I used my brakes but I fell off. I got a scar and it is awful. I started to cry and then we got to have an ice-cream. I got hokey pokey and Fletcher and Riley got Goody, Goody Gum Drop.

Dear Jimmy, Are you having fun? I bet you are. I heard you went to Cliffords Tower. Do you want to know some things that I did in the holidays? I went to Hannah Montana, the movie and Ice Age 3. In Ice Age 3 Buck spoke Irish.

I went to Timaru and I got a transformer toy. It was an Optimus Prime and it transforms into a truck.

In nine weeks I am going to Clyde. I am staying in my Grandad's house up in Clyde.

To Jimmy, I am going to write about when I went to Queenstown. When I went to Queenstown I went in the pool. It said 'open' and we just went in. When we were driving it took 4 and a half hours. I was bored in the hotel. We had breakfast and tea, 'yum, yum in my tum'! I had to share a bed with my brother.

Dear Jimmy, You are lucky you are in England. I was sick but I only had a headache and a sore throat. I hope you are having a good time. I am better now though. Sometimes I feel sick but I'm not, I'm okay.

Dear Jimmy, In the holidays I went to Hannah Montana with Holly. It was really fun because we got three pottles of lollies and we got three packets of popcorn. When we had the popcorn we made a big mess. Jimmy, why were you not dancing at your Grandad's 70th birthday?

Hi Jimmy, we have loved reading your blog and looking at all the pictures. I thought your Grandad's birthday looked like lots of fun but we couldn't see you dancing, only helping to cut the cake. Are you like Ryan and don't like dancing? We were also a bit worried that you were throwing things at Tom while he was in the stocks. Mya told us we didn't have to worry because he would be able to get out.
Tomorrow I am going to Wellington so Room 2 will have Mrs Holden all day, I think they are excited about that. I hope I get a chance to go to the museum, we liked looking at the Beamish museum that you went to.

We did some beautiful art work using the koru design, you will be able to see it when you get back and we have new reading stations. Say hello to Ellen and Tom for us. Room 4 are going to look at your blog and might write Tom some messages as well. Room 1 got Ellen's postcard today and I think they sent her an email.

See you soon!
We have not been able to write the blog for a week or so as we have been in Wensleydale where there is no internet connection. Wensleydale is in the heart of Yorkshire. We stayed in an old farm house . In the kitchen there is an Aga stove. The garden is full of plants, birds and a fish pond. It also has a ghyll (mountain stream running through it which I sat in and got very wet).
We visited a town called Hawes and when round a creamery where they make Wensleydale cheeses - if you have ever heard of Wallace and Grommet then you’ll know how nice Wensleydale cheese is. We also visited a rock and fossil shop and I bought a sharks tooth that is 40 million years old.
The next day it rained but we were OK as we visited a place called the Forbidden Corner. It was a garden full of very odd and funny things to look at and explore. The scariest bit was a big cat who came out of the dark with glowing green eyes. There was crystal mountain which we walked underneath and there was a statue of a little boy who peed on me when I walked past. We also when into a dungeon and had to choose the right door to get out of.
Today we went on a steam train from Leyburn to Redmire stations. The engine driver let us go in the cab. The engine was black and it had lots of knobs and leavers. The steam came in the window as we went along and it made a tic tic sound. We got off at Redmire and followed a path through the fields to Bolton Castle. It was very big and partially ruined. The best bit was the dudgeon which still has prisoner in it. Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned here and we saw her room.

The big Birthday bash

We came back to York to help prepare for Grandpa’s 70th Birthday. We had it in a very old barn dating from 1523AD and it was suppose to have sheltered the Scottish prince Rupert. There were lots of old people at the party and the band was called the Pugwash convention. They played fiddle and squeeze box and called the steps for dances like Strip the Willow and the Gay Gordon’s. We had a great time and danced lots.

Beamish Museum

We next visited Beamish museum, which was a very big outside museum. It was set in 1913 and showed what life was like in the North East of England at the beginning of the time called the industrial revolution. The North east was very important at the time because there was lots of coal mines which they needed to fuel all the steam driven machines. There was lots of people dressed up like people of the time and told us about the sort of things they did and how life was. There was a farm and a small town with lots of old fashioned shops. We bought some old fashioned lollies - Jim got his teeth into a large toffee apple and Tom was very impressed with the sherbet lemons. We went on a very old steam train called Puffing Billy which had a amazing top speed of 5 miles and hour! And we also visited an old Manor house and saw them baking bread on the fire.

We when to an old school house and wrote on slates. The teachers sounded as though they where very strict - it made Mrs Waldron sound soft.

One of the best things we did was go into an old drift mine and saw how miners use to get out the coal. Everything was done by hand and dynamite. It was a very hard life and children as young as 14 worked down there. We also saw some old pit ponies who use to work down the mine pulling coal tubs and children as young as 7 use lead these.
I think we are lucky to be children now as life back then seemed very very hard.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Trip to Durham

The next bit of our journey was to Lanchester to visit my Grandpa Frank. He was very pleased to see us. His house is quite big, has a very nice garden and has some stairs up to the bedrooms. There are lots of interesting things to look at.

We went to visit Durham, which is about 3 miles away. We went to Durham Cathedral, which was very big. It used to have prisoners in it when there was a war. Tom and I went up a very tall tower – Ellen was too short to go up. The stairs went up and up and when round and round – there are 325 steps. It was so small at the top you could hardly get passed other people. We saw the tombs of two saints: Saint Cuthbert and Saint Bede. Saint Bede is very important because he translated the bible to English, so all the bibles we read at school come from his work. There were loads of stain glass windows and we sat in the Cloisters where parts of the Harry Potter film were made.

We also looked at Durham Castle, which is now used as a University, and some students live there.

We tried English fish and chips as we sat in the main square of Durham and we decided they were quite nice but a bit greasy (but don’t tell Grandpa as he likes them).

In the evening Grandpa had a barbeque and invited some of his friend and my family. It was nice to see everyone and they were all very friendly. We saw Uncle Terrance and Uncle James, who has the same name as me and we are both named after my Great Grandpa Jimmy.

Trip to see Rachel

We had a journey from York on the way to Durham, and stopped off to visit my Aunty Rachel. She lives in a small North Yorkshire village called Swainby. Her house looked very old and was very long and thin. Her car is old also and has no seat belts. Tom and I got to start it and Ellen drove with Rachel. 1 minute up the road from her is an old ruined castle. It was very broken down and we got to climb all over it. We had to walk along the road to an old Abbey, which had some really old gravestones. Some were so old that you could not read them and we found one from 1730. One we found looked like a pirate grave as it had a skull and cross bones, a book and an hourglass timer.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Well, we arrived in Manchester airport and we got through customs without a problem. The police in the airport had guns, but we were even more impressed in Singapore because we saw one with a machine gun. Granny and Grandpa met us at the airport, and we had a real surprise because our other Grandpa had come too.
We got on a train to get to York which took about and hour.
Since we got to York, we have had lots of fun and been pretty busy. On the first day we helped Grandpa with his bees, going to some of the hives and taking off some honey. We had to get dressed up in beekeeping clothes, with a big white hat and veil which attached to the suit (they were very big and pretty hot). When we got back we put to combs in a spinner to get the honey out.
We explored Grandpas garden which has lots of fruit and vegetables. We picked strawberries, raspberries and peas which were yum. He also has toads living in the pond. By the end of the long first day we were all very very tired and I fell asleep while having my dinner.
The next day we went to walk around the big walls that go all around the city. Some of it was built in Roman times on a steep little hill and was covered with slits so that the archers could defend the city. We came to big city gates , called Barr which had portcullis that would raise to let people in. Some had two of these so the enemy would go into one, but then would be trapped and they would fire arrows at them and pour boiling oil. We saw lots of information about the about Romans and some of the old kings who use to stay in York like Henry the 8th an Richard the 3rd.
We also went to Cliffords tower which is part of the original York Castle built in Medieval times. It was built on a lager mound so that it gives a great view of the surrounding land to make it easy to spot the enemy. The hill is the one in the song about the Grand Old Duke of York, who’s 10,000 marched up and down.
We went to the Museum gardens in the City centre and took some nuts to feed the squirrels. We took the wrong type of nuts so as well as attracting squirrels we also got covered in hundreds of pigeons which was very funny and cool.
On the second day we visited York Minster which had great big stain glass windows. We saw the Rose window, which had burned down and had to be re built. We went onto the big alter and saw lots of statues of old people who where buried there. There was someone playing the organ, which had some big organ pipes. If you looked carefully there was lots of faces and gargoyles carved into the stone walls. The Minster was bigger than you could ever think and the towers and ceiling was so incredibly high.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Singapore Bit

After a long flight we arrived in Singapore. We went on the underground train a lot to get around. We stayed at the YMCA which had small rooms, but it had a great swimming pool and we loved the breakfasts because there was cake and fruit juice and you could eat as much as you liked.

We visited China town, which Tom especially liked because of all the bustle and cool market stalls to look at. A little Chinese lady got us to go to her food stall and we had noodles and fried rice which was delicious. Some of food on offer we did not recognise and I was pretty relived we did not have to eat it. Everyone was tyring to sell us stuff, but they were nice and we had a good laugh. We bought a set of chopsticks each from a special shop - I have never seen so many chopsticks in my life. The pair I chose was Black with golden dragons on.

We also went to Little India. There was lots of interesting things to see and lots of strange smells. We had a cool curry dinner - I had butter chicken. We all got henna tattoos on our hands from a cool Indian lady. Tom and mine are a sun design, Ellen's is flowers, and they should last 2 or three weeks.

The second day we visited Singapore zoo. We saw loads of different animals such snakes monkeys, white tigers, leopards and kangaroos. One funny bits was seeing two elephants walking, with one holing onto the others tail. We all went on an elephant ride which was really exciting. We saw an orangutan holding a baby riding in a zoo truck, and we think the zoo keeper did not know she was on there.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I can't wait

  1. On the 4th of July I am going to England with my family. First we go to Auckland on a small plane and then we go to Singapore on a bigger plane. When we are in Singapore we are going to the zoo! It's got lots of creatures that live in hot places because Singapore is very hot. We get to go on a night safari. I have been in Singapore before when it is raining and it is warm rain, not like here!

    We are going to England to see my grandma and grandpa. We get to have a holiday as well. When we are in England it is going to be my grandpa's birthday. We are away for 5 weeks so my teacher and I made this blogNumbered List so we can keep in touch.